PL - Laboratorium Nanostruktur
Instytut Wysokich Ciśnień PAN
EN - Laboratory of Nanostructures
Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS  

Urszula Szałaj

PhD, Eng. 


Academic Career:

2016 - Engineer, Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering,


2017 - Master of Science in Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Management

and Production Engineering, Poland.

2020 - completion of postgraduate studies in Biomaterials - Materials for Medicine, AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, Poland.

2018 to date - PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology,

Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Poland.


Professional experience:

  • from June 2017 to March 2018 - Intern at the Laboratory of Nanostructures of the Institute of High Pressure Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences;
  • from April 2018 to the present - Research Assistant at the Laboratory of Nanostructures of the Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences;
  • from October 2018 to January 2019 – Laboratory assistant of the accredited Laboratory (Scope of Accreditation No. AB 1503) of determination the Specific Surface Area and Skeleton Density at the Laboratory of Nanostructures of the Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences;
  • from February 2019 to the present - Deputy Head of the accredited Laboratory of determination the Specific Surface Area and Skeleton Density at the Laboratory of Nanostructures of the Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences;


Scientific papers:

  • Szałaj, A. Świderska-Środa, A. Chodara, S. Gierlotka, W. Łojkowski, Nanoparticle Size Efferct on Water Vapour Adsorption by Hydroxyapatite, Nanomaterials, 1005, 12.07.2019, IF= 4.32.
  • Woźniak, U. Szałaj, A. Chodara, J. Mizeracki, M. Łojkowski, D. Myszka, W. Łojkowski, Mechanism for sonocoating a polymer Surface with nano-hydroxyapatite, Materials Letters, 155-159, 20.04.2019, IF = 3.2.
  • AbouAitach, A. Stefanek, I. Higazy, M. Janczewska, A. Świderska-Środa, A. Chodara, J. Wojnarowicz, U. Szałaj, i in., Effective targeting of colon cancer cells with piperine natural



  • Polish patent application: P.4343-40 for an invention - Bioaktywne hydroksyapatytowe powłoki o hierarchicznej nano/mikroarchitekturze, sposób ich wytwarzania oraz zastosowanie, 16.06.2020



Oral contributions:

  • Szałaj, Mechanism for Sonocoating of Materials with Nanoparticles, Summer School in High Energy Processing: Ultrasound & Microwave Technologies, Kraków, Poland, 26-28.06.2019
  • Szałaj, W. Łojkowski, Ultrasounds, microwaves and high pressures application for in nanomedicine, Rome, Italy, 16-17.10.2019
  • Szałaj, Ultradźwiękowe Osadzanie Warstw Hydroksyapatytowych na Powierzchni Implantów, NanoBioMat 2019, Toruń, Poland, 07.06.2019


  • Szałaj, et al., Water Vapour Adsorption on HAP Nanocrystals, 8th European Young Engineers Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 08.04.2019
  • Szałaj, et al., W. Święszkowski, Ultrasonic Deposition of Nano-Hydroxyapatite Layers on Polymeric Surfaces, 8th European Young Engineers Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 09.04.2019
  • Szałaj, et al., Hydrothermal Microwave Synthesis and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications, Tissue Engineering Therapies: From Concept to Clinical Translation&Comercialisation, Rhodes, Greece, 27-31.05.2019
  • Szałaj, et al., Green - hydrothermal microwave synthesis and characterization of HAP nanoparticles for biomedical applicaions, Biomaterials in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, Rytro, Poland, 10-13.10.2019
  • Szałaj, et al., Examination of the kinetics of adsorption and desorption of water by HAP nanopraticles, 7th European Young Engineers Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 23-25.04.2018
  • Szałaj, et al., Ultradźwiękowe osadzanie warstw hydroksyapatytowych na biodegradowalnych rusztowaniach kostnych, Kongres Technologii Chemicznej 2018, Gdańsk, Poland, 06.09.2018
  • Szałaj, et al., Badanie efektywności adsorpcji wody na powierzchni nano-hydroksyapatytu w zależności od wielkości nanocząstek, Kongres Technologii Chemicznej 2018, Gdańsk, Poland, 07.09.2018


Assistance in organizing conferences:


Taking care of students and trainees:

  • Laboratories, Technologie i projektowanie nowych materiałów (Technologies and design of new materials), Warsaw University, 2018/2019
  • Laboratories, Technologie i projektowanie nowych materiałów (Technologies and design of new materials), Warsaw University, 2019/2020
  • Laboratories, Pracownia Fizyczna (Physics Laboratory), Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw, 2020/2021



  • Analiza FMEA procesów produkcyjnych, DJB doradztwo, Warsaw, Poland, 16-17.09.2019
  • Audytor Wewnętrzny, Pełnomocnik ds. systemu ISO 13485:2016, DJB doradztwo, Warsaw, Poland, 04.09.2019
  • Clean room - zasady pracy w pomieszczeniach czystych w świetle obowiązujących norm i przepisów prawa, CR Consulting, Warsaw, Poland, 11.04.2019
  • Wymagania nowego wydania normy PN-EN ISO 13485:2016-04, MEDDEV, Warsaw, Poland, 26.04.2019
  • CCMX Advanced Course: Inorganic Patricle Sunthesis by Precipitation: From Nanoparticles to Self Organised Mesocrystals and from Theory to Practice, CCMX - Competence Centre for Materials Science and Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, 25-27.03.2019
  • Seminarium Pedagogiczne, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 16.10.2018-05.02.2019
  • Nadzorowanie wyposażenia kontrolno-pomiarowego, TQM Soft, Cracow, Poland, 29-30.11.2018
  • Wymogi higieny i standardy pracy w pomieszczeniach clean room zgodnie z normami PN-EN ISO 14644 oraz GMP, Bioszkolenia, Warsaw, Poland, 12.06.2018
  • Zasady i procedury normy PN-EN ISO/EIC 17025:2018-02. Zapewnienie jakości wyników analitycznych, Bioszkolenia, Warsaw, Poland, 10.10.2018
  • Audit wewnętrzny w laboratorium, Polish Centre for Accreditation, Warsaw, Poland, 23-24.10.2018
  • Good Clinical Practice Standard ICH GCP E6 (R2), Soft Comunication, Warsaw, Poland, 23.07.2018
  • Clinical Trials for Medical Devices, Soft Comunication, Warsaw, Poland, 25.05.2018
  • Clinical Trials Monitoring Basics, Soft Comunication, Warsaw, Poland, 26.05.2018
  • Hands-on Session: Bioprinting 1,2,3 – extrusion based bioprinting, TERMIS, Warsaw, Poland, 23.03.2018
  • Hands-on Session: SFF – a bioplotter/bioscaffolder technology for polymeric and composite scaffold, TERMIS, Warsaw, Poland, 22.03.2018






